Building Resiliency for Tough Times

Building a Resiliency Plan for Tough Times

When going through a tough time, a change/transition, there is always an end and a beginning. With change/transition comes pain, sadness, and fear but there is also some good and joy. You find new reasons to go on. You re-shape your life according to your new reality.

You start asking questions such as:

How am I going to rebuild my life with my new reality?

What new expectations do I have for my new reality?

What new dreams and goals come up for me?

Healing is building a life around the pain. It is acknowledging the pain, sadness, fear, and whatever emotions comes up for you, feeling those emotions and still building a new life. You grow despite the struggle, change and pain. You find new motivation to move on. When we find ourselves in a change whether forced or planned, we find new purpose and meaning in life. Purpose and meaning changes with our circumstances. Its important to embrace the change and all the new that comes with it.

Struggle = Growth = Purpose

When we struggle with a tough situation which causes change/transition, we find ourselves going through an ending and beginning. This causes growth. Growth comes from pain and suffering but also brings joy and positivity. From the growth, we start to develop new purpose and meaning in life. We are forever changed from the situation and we now want to take all that we have learned and share it with others and help others who have been through similar situations.

When going through this tough time/change ask yourself the following questions:

1.What do I need? Resilient people ask for help.

2. Are my basic needs met? We need a strong foundation. Make sure your sleep, diet, water, and exercise become part of your daily routine.  When you recognize an area that is lacking, think of one small step you can take to improve it. These can be baby steps. No judgment just action.

3. What are my self-care strategies? What helps calm and soothe me? Are they healthy coping skills? What are my unhealthy coping skills? Being aware of the unhealthy coping skills is important.

4.What does my support system look like? We cannot heal, grieve, or forgive alone.

5. Do I have a good morning and night routine? We are our happiest, most productive, and creative with routine, schedule, and consistency.  If you do not have a routine, create one by adding two activities to both your morning and night routine such as: gratitude, prayers, stretching, meditation, yoga, walking, journal writing, deep breathing, etc. I suggest having at least one or two mindfulness activities in your day to help reduce stress and keep you coming back to the present moment.

For more information please email Diane at

About Finding your happiness

Diane Lang, practicing therapist, national speaker, educator, and certified positive psychology coach, has her master’s degree in counseling and is an adjunct in psychology at Montclair State University. She has written three books, and has been featured in various publications, and on TV and Internet shows. Diane speaks on various mental and emotional health topics including Happiness, Resiliency, Stress management, Parenting Positive Aging, Anxiety, and Depression in both teens and adults. Diane also specializes in Positive Psychology Positive Education and Positive Parenting. Thousands of individuals have benefited from Diane’s motivational and educational speaking, trainings, and coaching. Her Hands-on approach along with her background, education and experience has proven to be beneficial to all who attend her presentation. To learn more on how you could bring Diane to your organization please email
This entry was posted in Abundance, adult education, beliefs, Change, coaching, Commitment, Conscious living, counseling, cultivate happiness, declutter, development, dream life, emotional declutter, emotional intelligence, Emotional Toolbox, empathy, fear, Goals, Gratitude, grief, growth, happiness, Holiday stress, Human Resources, Intention, Joy, life coaching, loneliness, love, Meditation, Mindfulness, motherhood, Parent, parenting, pay it forward, personal development, positive emotions, positive parenting, positive psychology, Positive Psychology coaching, priorities, pro-active, psychology, school, self help, self-care, Soft Skills, spirituality, therapy, Thoughts, toxic people, transitions, values, working moms, Workplace Wellness and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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