What do you need to let go of to move forward?

What do you need to let go of to move forward?
Negative beliefs.
Negative people.
Negative habits and patterns that you repeat daily that don’t help you move forward.
Unhealthy food and drinks.
Negative media/social media.
Releasing addiction to technology.
Googling creates instant gratification.
Social media creates comparison.
All the filler activities that keep you numb.
All the emotions you’re holding on to and internalizing but haven’t dealt with yet.
The past that keeps you stuck from moving forward.
The fear that paralyzes you.
The craving of things that keep you overstimulated, take away your imagination and ability to critically think.
Less of anything that doesn’t feel good and more of what makes you feel complete and in peace.

More of….
Reading that cultivates imagination.
Learning that cultivates critical thinking.
Nature which produces mindfulness, peace and calm.
Socialization that brings connection, community and support.
Which do you choose?

For more information please visit: http://www.dlcounseling.com

About Finding your happiness

Diane Lang, practicing therapist, national speaker, educator, and certified positive psychology coach, has her master’s degree in counseling and is an adjunct in psychology at Montclair State University. She has written three books, and has been featured in various publications, and on TV and Internet shows. Diane speaks on various mental and emotional health topics including Happiness, Resiliency, Stress management, Parenting Positive Aging, Anxiety, and Depression in both teens and adults. Diane also specializes in Positive Psychology Positive Education and Positive Parenting. Thousands of individuals have benefited from Diane’s motivational and educational speaking, trainings, and coaching. Her Hands-on approach along with her background, education and experience has proven to be beneficial to all who attend her presentation. To learn more on how you could bring Diane to your organization please email dlcounselingmedia@gmail.com
This entry was posted in Abundance, adult education, beliefs, Change, coaching, Commitment, Conscious living, counseling, cultivate happiness, declutter, development, dream life, emotional declutter, emotional intelligence, Emotional Toolbox, empathy, fear, Goals, grief, growth, happiness, Human Resources, Intention, Joy, life coaching, loneliness, love, Meditation, Mindfulness, motherhood, New Years, Parent, parenting, pay it forward, personal development, positive emotions, positive parenting, positive psychology, Positive Psychology coaching, priorities, pro-active, psychology, Resolutions, school, self help, self-care, Soft Skills, spirituality, therapy, Thoughts, toxic people, transitions, Uncategorized, values, volunteer, working moms, Workplace Wellness and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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